Sunday, February 26, 2012

4-County Reports On Leasing Meetings


Coudersport, PA's Firemen's Training Center and Angelica, NY's historic Grange Hall were the sites for February's public meetings on recent happenings and trends throughout the Marcellus/Utica fairway as they pertain to our region. Arranged through Brian Wilson in Coudersport and Bob Jones in Angelica, these meetings were conducted by J. Hancharick, 4-County Leasing Group and Bill Smith from CX-Energy ... the latter a professional energy firm brokering the Group's leasing venture.

The new information shared brought audience members up-to-date on our progress in putting together numerous production units in each of the four counties, i.e. McKean, Potter, Cattaraugus, and Allegany. In addition landowners with acreage in bordering Steuben and Keating counties expressed interest in adding their parcels "to the pot" due to their close proximity to existing 4-County members' acreage. Having the same financial objectives, paired with the Group's environmental goals expressed in our leasing document, this steady growth has been on-going with this past year's guidance from CX.

Missing from the February meetings was Chris Cracraft ... also from CX-Energy and usually sharing meeting informational duties. The audience's ears perked when learning Chris' absence was due to his meeting with numerous gas/oil company representatives gathered in Houston, TX. With full lay-outs of 4-County's AC package, and Nick Seitanakis (att'y @ CX also working with us), the membership and the leasing document we've developed is getting national exposure.

ALL the news outlets that have run 4-County / CX-Energy ads have done a tremendous job in "getting the word out" to those who can benefit most from a solid lease written to maximize benefits, pay-outs, and protections for sub-surface and surface acreage. I recognize that 4-County would not have come this far without their help ... placing well-crafted and artful ads in front of their readers. If you are reading this, you are one of them! Watch for more ads throughout the spring.

Janice L. Hancharick 919.876.2917

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