Monday, May 31, 2010


Boxee - Best media center I've ever used.
Works on Linux, Mac and Windows. FREE!!!

Boxee Beta from boxee on Vimeo.

I use my laptop as a media center, just installed Boxee (Ubuntu version) and plugged it into the flat screen in my living room.

Spongebob and Friends Coloring Pages

Spongebob Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Spongebob and Friends Coloring Pages

Memorial Day~May 31

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Pirate Bay: 4 Years After The Raid

Today, exactly four years have passed since The Pirate Bay was raided by the Swedish police. While the entertainment industries hoped that this would be the end of their troubles, in hindsight they’ve created a a multi-headed hydra that is impossible to kill. The events that unfolded could easily be turned into a Hollywood blockbuster.

Peter pan Strength - Tinkerbell Coloring Pages

Disney Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Peter pan Strength - Tinkerbell Coloring Pages

God and Memorial Day

I would like to make a statement conveying my personal opinion about the information in the articles I've posted regarding Memorial Day. But in order to do that I must first make a statement regarding religion.

I consider myself to be a religious person, I am a Christian and love Jesus Christ with all of my heart. But, as I may occasionally make a comment according to my beliefs, I do not intend to use this blog as a forum for religious discussion.

Religion is a very personal, deep felt, sensitive topic to most people and thus I will rarely write a feature post about the various religious observances, since I do not know enough about the various religions and do not wish to offend anyone by posting incorrect information.

When it comes to religion I believe that each individual has a right to believe and practice whatever religion they would like, as long as they do not abuse: physically, mentally, emotionally, or in any way another human being or animal in the practice of their religious beliefs. I do not believe in pushing my religious views on others or in trying to make them feel bad if they do not believe the way I do.

With that said...

A Personal Opinion Regarding Memorial Day
In doing research about Memorial Day I found that many cities, states and individuals are credited as the originators of the creation of Memorial Day (Decoration Day). I believe that each story is true and that each person/place played a part in the creation of this observance.

My personal belief is that God gives mankind ideas, whether he puts them out into the atmosphere and waits for them to light on whom they will, or whether he gives the ideas to specific individuals' minds, I don't know. But I believe that he gives many people an idea and waits to see who will do what with that idea.

I like to think that the creation of Memorial Day was so important to our Heavenly Father that he planted seeds into the minds of many heartfelt people of the time, knowing that enough of them would cultivate and foster the idea until it grew into fruition. After all the research I have done, Memorial Day has become more important to me, and I now hold a tender respect in my heart for all the people who participated in it's creation and for all the noble men and women, throughout time, who have given the ultimate sacrifice for God, for Country, and for their fellowman.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Cosmo the Merry Martian

Cosmo and Orbi
Cosmo and his pal Orbi were two brave martian astronauts going to Earth in search of intelligent life. They were launched in a space ship created by Prof. Thimk. However, they had a detour (thanks to a meteor) and landed on the moon. They landed on Earth and after a misadventure fled the planet. They went on more adventures with Cosmo's girlfriend, Astra. In each adventure, they visited a new planet and every story ended in a cliffhanger (including the last).

Julia Pierpont Day

Julia Pierpont Day is a holiday proclaimed by West Virginia in 2005 as a day to honor Julia Pierpont as the originator of "Decoration Day", now known as Memorial Day. It is celebrated the Saturday before Memorial Day.

Historians agree that Memorial Day originated during the time of the Civil War. Although there are many differing stories as to the exact origin of Memorial Day *, many historians believe that Julia Pierpont was the originator of what was then called "Decoration Day".

Julia Pierpont was the wife of the Governor of Restored Virginia, Francis H. Pierpont of Fairmont, (West) Virgina, also recognized as "The Father of West Virginia".

The story is told that while living in the Governor's Mansion in Richmond Virgina in 1866, Julia Pierpont felt that the graves of Union Soldiers buried in Hollywood Cemetery, overlooking Richmond, were looking shabby and neglected. She and a Miss Woolsey, a New Yorker teaching in the school for African American children, decided to decorate and beautify the graves. They, along with the Pierpont children, the children from the African American school, and many friends gathered together and "paraded" to the cemetery to bravely decorate the graves.

When people throughout the state heard of this event it was met with both approval and condemnation. A few weeks later, thousands from throughout the State of Virginia joined in another Decoration Day by giving speeches and decorating the graves of Confederate Soldiers. News of this event spread throughout the nation and more Decoration Day events followed.

Julia Pierpont is credited for inspiring the nation. Many historians feel that her first observance of Decoration Day spurred on many more such observances and culminated in General John A. Logan, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, ordering May 30 as an annual national "Decoration Day" on May 5, 1868.

Each year, the Saturday before Memorial Day is dedicated as a day to pay tribute to Julia Pierpont by readying veterans' graves for Memorial Day.

* See also "The History and Origin of Memorial Day in Waterloo, New York".


Spongebob SquarePants Coloring Pages The Series

Spongebob Coloring Pages, Disney Coloring Pages
Spongebob coloring pages is one good thing to train your child's skills. This could entertain children, to once a break from watching TV or playing computer. With Spongebob coloring page, your child may be more skilled and valuable education you can give him. Spongebob coloring pages can also be used by teachers as a teaching medium in color. Especially if your kids really liked this cartoon, he would be happy if we could learn Spongebob coloring pages.

Wellcome to Disney Coloring Pages with Tinkerbell

Disney Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Wellcome to Disney Coloring Pages with Tinkerbell

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Soup soup soup at Windsor Deli

We just got an awesome mention in the Melbourne Weekly today!!!

Max Mimi & Henry photo

Here are the kids. The files of the pictures I have are really big or I would post a bunch right now. ;).

I am excited to post this one though, I also have this in black & white which I love but I wanted to show all the colors...there are about 50 more and they are all cute...looks like I'm dedicating a whole wall to these pics. ;)

Lost and Found

I have told you about how my Nana was a fantastic cook.

Well, she had all sorts of brilliant kitchen equipment. When you bought kitchen supplies "back in the day" you bought for life.

When Stuart and I would stay with Nana and Grandad Brown we would always get spoilt just like every grandkid. Even before the idea of being a chef and being so involved with food, I used to sit at the breakfast

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Looking Forward to Memorial Day~Part 3

The following is an excerpt taken from

"In 1915 inspired by the poem "In Flanders Field" by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae M.D., Moina Michael replied with her own poem.

We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.

She then conceived of an idea to wear red poppies on Memorial Day in honor of those who died serving the nation during war. She was the first to wear one, and sold poppies to her friends and co-workers with the money going to benefit servicemen in need. Later a Madame Guerin from France was visiting the United States and learned of this new custom started by Ms. Michael and when she returned to France, made artificial red poppies to raise money for war orphaned children and widowed women. This tradition spread to other countries. In 1921, the Franco-American Children's League sold poppies nationally to benefit war orphans of France and Belgium. The league disbanded a year later and Madame Guerin approached the VFW for help. Shortly before Memorial Day in 1922 the VFW became the first veterans' organization to nationally sell poppies. Two years later their "Buddy" Poppy Program was selling artificial poppies made by disabled veterans. In 1948 the U.S. Post Office honored Ms. Michael for her role in founding the National Poppy movement by issuing a red 3 cent postage stamp with her likeness on it."
If you go to you can find a video tutorial showing how to make these pretty paper poppies. They're kind of huge so I think when I make them I'm going to shrink the pattern to 75 or 50 percent.

Image: Red Poppy & Purple Sage (Красно-фиолетово)
Originally uploaded by Kate Yasnaya

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the kid's Summer pictures...

...I am still downloading photos taken by our friend and neighbor John. He did an amazing job and I am thrilled with how they turned out. I will post a bunch of photos this week but until then... is a little preview. ;)
While Steve and I were hanging out before we started dating I found out about his mustache collection...yes, he has a mustache collection -and it is hilarious.

Bedtime for Micky Mouse - Disney Coloring Pages

Disney Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Bedtime for Micky Mouse - Disney Coloring Pages

Summertime Barbeque with Micky Mouse Coloring Pages

Disney Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Summertime Barbeque with Micky Mouse Coloring Pages

How beautiful are these?

How beautiful is this parsley?
We get to use this beautiful fruit and vegetables everyday.....they come from Balaclave Fruit Centre on Carlisle Street in Balaclava (next to the BP).

Monday, May 24, 2010

National Go Barefoot Day

Tuesday, June 1st,  is Go Barefoot Day which is vaguely reminiscent of No Socks Day, a holiday that we observed on May 8 but which did not have quite as much meaning behind it as this one.

Go Barefoot Day is actually the kick-off day for Barefoot Week, held June 1-7, 2010.

Go Barefoot Day is a day for us, who have so much, to walk in someone else's shoes, or in this case the lack of them.  There are thousands of people in the U.S. and around the world who do not own a decent pair of shoes. On June 1st, all Americans are encouraged to kick off their shoes and go barefoot in support of Soles4Souls' campaign to collect and distribute shoes to children around the world.

Check out Soles4Souls' website to find out how you can donate shoes and money to help out with this honorable cause.

Have a fun-filled day as you and your fairest friends flip off your Filas and favorite fringed socks in a fain felicific fashion and feel the fresh air frolicking freely across the freckled flesh of your free and fancy feet! In other words - enjoy the day!

I used this video of Ziggy Marley (son of Bob Marley) on my No Socks Day post, but it's cute and worth an encore. Enjoy.


Patrick Star - Spongebob Coloring Pages

Kids Coloring Pages, Spongebob Coloring Pages
Patrick Star - Spongebob Coloring Pages

Beauty Princess Jasmine "Aladin and Disney Coloring Pages"

Disney Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Beauty Princess Jasmine "Aladin and Disney Coloring Pages"

Princess Jasmine Flower Water Play - Disney Coloring Pages

Disney Coloring Pages, Flowers Coloring Pages
Princess Jasmine Flower Water Play - Disney Coloring Pages

Bouquet of Roses - Flowers Coloring Pages

Flowers Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Bouquet of Roses - Flowers Coloring Pages

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Looking Forward to Memorial Day~Part 2

Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868, by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic. Please take a minute to read his touching declaration, General Order No. 11, you may never think of Memorial Day in the same way again.

Traditional Memorial Day Observance
The original date of May 30 was chosen as the date to celebrate Memorial Day for two reasons; the first was because May 30 was a day recorded as having no Civil War battles, and the second reason was because flowers would be in full bloom, for decorating graves, by this time in May.

As you may recall, on June 28, 1968, the United States Congress passed the Uniform Holidays Bill, which moved three holidays from their traditional dates to a specified Monday in order to create a convenient three-day weekend. The holidays included Washington's Birthday, now celebrated as President's Day; Veteran's Day and Memorial Day. The change moved Memorial Day from it's traditional May 30 date to the last Monday in May. (In 1978 Veteran's Day was returned to it's traditional date of November 11, and most corporate businesses no longer close on Veteran's Day).

Many people feel that Memorial Day should be changed back to it's traditional date of May 30, because of the significance of why that date was chosen in the first place. It is the feeling that, with it being in a three-day weekend,  a majority of the people view Memorial Day as just another day to play. They have forgotten the meaning behind the day.

"Traditional observance of Memorial Day has diminished over the years. Many Americans nowadays have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day. At many cemetery's, the graves of the fallen are increasingly ignored and neglected. Most people no longer remember the proper flag etiquette for the day. While there are towns and cities that still hold Memorial Day parades, many have not held a parade in decades. Some people think the day is for honoring any and all dead, and not just those fallen in service to our country." (

Memorial Day Observance
How can we best honor those men and women who have given their lives in service to our country this Memorial Day, Monday, May 31?
  • By visiting cemetery's and placing flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes.
  • By visiting Memorials.
  • By flying the U.S. flag at half-staff until noon.
  • By flying the 'POW/MIA flag' as well.
  • By participating in a "National Moment of Remembrance" at 3 p.m. (local time) to pause and think upon the true meaning of the day, and for Taps to be played.
  • By renewing a pledge to aid the widows, widowers and orphans of our fallen dead, and to aid the disabled veterans.

Picture: Photobucket juliadon

Friday, May 21, 2010

Yay! A new addition to the Bartie family!

My brother & sister-in-law, Dave & Hilary just found out today they are having a baby boy!!!

In lieu of the good news I found the perfect gift for their little cowboy to be, a book called:

It was originally published in 1959 and maintains it's vintage drawings and their little boy charm. So welcome to the family our new little Bartholomew cowboy.

Much love and a WHOLE lot of kisses,
Steve Brooke Max Mimi & Henry

Micky and Minie Mouse Playing with Balloons - Disney Coloring Pages

Disney Coloring Pages, Cartoon Coloring Pages
Micky and Minie Mouse Playing with Balloons - Disney Coloring Pages

Get Free Mermaid Coloring Pages "Disney"

Disney Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Enjoy free disney coloring pages are in this blog, there are some cartoon characters like Tinkerbell, Sponge, mermaid, micky and minie mouse, Winnie the Pooh, and many others.

Peppermint Creams

Everything with peppermint in it, is fabulous.Peppermint ice-cream; minties; toothpaste; old school after dinner mints; mint patties; chewing gum; polos; tictacs; mentos....the list goes on....
So when I found these yummy chocolate and peppermint biscuits....I was excited. And the best bit.....the peppermint has white chocolate in it!
Peppermint Sandwich Cookies
1/2 cup cream1/2 tsp

Batman Coloring Pages - Free Disney Coloring Pages

Disney Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
All the children in this world must be very familiar with this one superhero, which is Batman. Good nature and helpful to make of him as an idol among children and adults. Get free disney coloring pages here.

Gluten free Pancakes

I think that you have guessed by now I love all the bad food. Cookies, brownies, chocolate, and I love Pancakes!

Alan used to work in a pancake bar in Southgate when he first got to Melbourne. And when we started dating, I used to visit him at work and have "Canadian" or "American" Style Pancakes.
Three pancakes, bacon, maple syrup and a fried egg.
Sweet + Savoury = taste sensation

One way to

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to the "lavender Lady!"

I thought it only appropriate to put up pictures of my moms lavender as she is the "Lavender Lady". Today is my moms birthday, Happy Birthday!

She has a blog full of delicious recipes using lavender and anything else you can find in the garden. You can find her recipes here.

These pictures were taken in the middle of the Summer last year, Henry was almost fully cooked and ready to come out. Despite being extremely close to delivery we helped harvest lavender as well as sow seeds in their massive vegetable garden.


Fictional History
Steven Harmon was junior high school student, who's archenemy was Winston. He plotted to get back at Winston, this involved dressing like a clown at a carnival. But before he his plan could unfold, evil clowns kidnapped Winston and Heather (Steven's date). The clowns enter a portal (disguised as a mirror). Steve followed them into the portal and his molecule got stretched across 3,741 dimensions. He ended up in the realm of the Scientist Supreme of Dimension X (who kinda looks like Groucho Marx), who helped him master his new form (made of unstable molecules). The SSD thinks the reason why Steve was transformed was because Steve was "slightly out of sync" while going through the portal. Steve (as Slapstick0) stopped the evil clowns and their leader, Overlord, from brainwashing captive humans into being his slaves.
Other Enemies
Slapstick has had several other enemies: a "copycat of the Punisher", Overkill, who wanted kill Slap for being different. He stopped Neutron Bum, a homeless man able to create explosions, by giving him coffee and knocking him out when he wasn't looking. He helped the New Warriors battled Dr. Yesterday (mainly to impress the ladies).
Slapstick's identity was made public during the Civil War. He is seen going to Camp Hammond and stopping the Hulk and working on several missions.
Powers and Abilities
As Slapstick, Steve Harmon is indestructible, any damage is quickly shaken off. He has super durability, agility and reflexes. He also has unlimited malleability ( in the manner of a Loony Tunes character). A specific frequency of energy can turn him into a puddle and back. He can get superhuman strength when electrocuted. He has alien technology most notably pockets links into another dimension allowing him to store virtually anything in there. Steve is a skill prankster.
Speedball (Slapstick's best friend) described Slap as "The hero who doesn't fight crime but rather plays cruel tricks on it."

Looking Forward to Memorial Day~Part 1

Memorial Day is one of eleven United States federal holidays and is celebrated the last Monday in May each year. It will be celebrated on May 31, 2010.

Memorial Day is a day set aside to commemorate and honor U.S. men and women who have died in military service. It was originally called Decoration Day because it is a day to decorate and care for the graves of fallen soldiers. Memorial Day was first enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War and was expanded after World War I.

The Origin of Memorial Day
When the Civil War ended, many towns and communities set aside a day of their choosing to mark the end of the war and to remember those who had died. Thus many towns and cities claim to have been the first to enact Memorial Day.

According to Professor David Blight of the Yale University History Department, the first Memorial Day was observed by formerly enslaved black people at the Washington Race Course in Charleston, South Carolina. The race course had been used as a temporary confederate prison camp in 1865 as well as a mass grave for Union soldiers who died there. Immediately after the cessation of hostilities, formerly enslaved people exhumed the bodies from the mass grave and reinterred them properly with individual graves. They built a fence around the graveyard with an entry arch and declared it a Union graveyard. The work was completed in only ten days. On May 1, 1865, the Charleston newspaper reported that a crowd of up to ten thousand, mainly black residents, including 2800 children, processed to the location for a celebration which included, sermons, singing and a picnic on the grounds, therefore creating the first Decoration Day. (Wikipedia)

Despite the various claims, in May,1966, President Lyndon Johnson declared Waterloo, New York as the official birthplace of Memorial Day.

Memorial Day Officially Proclaimed a Holiday
On May 5, 1868, Memorial Day (Decoration Day) was officially proclaimed a holiday by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the first official observance of Memorial Day was held on May 30, 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. By 1890, Memorial Day was recognized by all of the Northern states. The south refused to acknowledge the day, honoring their dead on separate days until after World War I (when the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting in the Civil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war).

The holiday was called Decoration Day until 1882, when people began to call it Memorial Day. The new name became increasingly more common after World War II but was not declared the official name by Federal law until 1967. On June 28, 1968, the United States Congress passed the Uniform Holidays Bill, which moved three holidays from their traditional dates to a specified Monday in order to create a convenient three-day weekend. The change moved Memorial Day from it's traditional May 30 date to the last Monday in May.

Image: Photobucket Jasons_Baby90

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Herbie Popnecker

Herbie is one of the most powerful superheroes ever created!
Character Overview
Herbie appears to be simply a fat guy addicted to lollipops and was despised by his peers. But unknown to anyone else, Herbie has a large of array of super powers. He got them genetically and from his magic lollipops from the Unknown. He would use his powers to stop a crisis, but similar to Michigan J. Frog, he shed all signs of being extraordinary when anyone else was looking. By issue 8 of his series, he became a hero: the Fat Fury! His costume consisted of red long johns, a mask and a toilet plunder (oddly on his head). His father, Pincus Popnecker, was a very dumb business man that Herbie would bail out when his plans failed.
Powers and Abilities
Herbie had numerous super powers including:
  • Hypnotic Eyes
  • Famous throughout history
  • Talking to animals
  • Lollipops gave him super strength and other powers (could "bop" his opponents to defeat them).
  • Could punch (very rapidly)
  • Time Travel via a special lollipop and grandfather clock
  • Could fly under ground
  • Break through walls
  • Invisibility (stopped using it)
  • Magic
  • Can visit the Unknown, a "mysterious spirit world"
Recurring Gags
There were some recurring gags including:
  • Herbie spoke very little.
  • He was emotionless, unless his lollipops were threatened.
  • Women would (very easily) fall in love with him.
  • Herbie-look-likes would appear (that Herbie thought were ugly).
  • Despite being fat, he rarely ate.
  • He usually slept (much to his father's dismay).
  • Herbie wore absurd disguises.
  • Herbie would have what ever object he needed (marshmallows in King Arthur's time, bicycle pump in his pocket and etc.)


Fat-quarter question, answered

Dearest Rozzie-Pooh,

You posed the question on my last post, "what else can you do with fat quarters?". Well, you can go HERE and see a darling bag and free pattern made with 3 fat-quarters. I would post a picture but I don't don't want to disrespect her disclaimer of no copying.

Last but not least there is a whole online store dedicated to fat-quarters. Appropriately named The Fat Quarter Shop! That is where you can find the free pattern to the above quilts, all made from fat-quarters.

OOPS, one more....Melly & Me also sell darling patterns for stuffed animas made out of fat-quarters (for the most part). Kathy and I have made this monkey. She also made the fish. You can google Melly & Me and then click on images to see all of their designs, they are darling and so creative.

Spongebob playing balloon with Patrick - Coloring Pages

Spongebob Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Spongebob playing balloon with Patrick - Coloring Pages

Visit Your Relatives Day~May 18

Aren't you excited?! Today is Visit Your Relatives Day! This is a perfect day to reconnect with long lost relatives - if you dare.

Every family has them, relatives whom seeing once a year at the family reunion or the Christmas party is more than enough. But what about your favorite Auntie that you just don't see as often as you'd like? Or your granny who's been feeling a little under the weather lately? What about your brother or sister who lead a busy life just like you, so you haven't been able to get together for a while? Today would be a great day to pop in for a visit!

You could:
  • Follow Little Red Riding Hood's lead and take along a basket of goodies.
  • Bring a deck of cards and play a fun game.
  • Bring a notebook, or better yet, a tape recorder and record a story from grandma's past.
  • Meet your sissy at a cafe and chat over a delicious Cobb salad.
  • Send an ecard or give a phone call to a relative living far away.
Remember - family is everything. Have a pleasant Visit Your Relatives Day.

Image from Funny Pictures

Monday, May 17, 2010

fat-quarter love

I love fat-quarters. They are, as expected by their name, a quarter yard of fabric. The nice thing is they are usually about $2.50 a piece. So if you see a pretty piece of fabric that you love but have no idea what to do with it, you can just get the quarter and stash it away until the day you get some inspiration.

I am guilty of picking up fabric quarters here and there, but they are so pretty and I do eventually use them. ie: the headband I made for Mimi in my last post. They are also great for baby quilts.

Play Music with Spongebob Coloring Pages

Spongbob Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Play Music with Spongebob Coloring Pages

Free Spongebob Coloring Pages " Mr.Crab"

Spongeboob Coloring Pages, Kids Coloring Pages
Free Spongebob Coloring Pages " Mr.Crab"

World Hypertension Day~May 17

Today is World Hypertension Day, a day for education about high blood pressure. High blood pressure is the biggest single cause of death worldwide through strokes, heart attacks and kidney disease. It is often called the silent killer because many times the symptoms are so subtle that they go unnoticed until it's too late.

What is Hypertension or High Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure refers to the force of blood pushing against artery walls as it courses through the body. Like air in a tire or water in a hose, blood fills arteries to a certain capacity. Just as too much air pressure can damage a tire or too much water pushing through a garden hose  can damage the hose, high blood pressure can threaten healthy arteries and lead to life-threatening conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. Hypertension is the leading cause of stroke and a major cause of heart attack. In the United States alone, approximately 73 million people have high blood pressure.

How is Blood Pressure Measured
A blood pressure reading appears as two numbers. The first and higher of the two is a measure of systolic pressure, or the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats and fills them with blood. The second number measures diastolic pressure, or the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between beats.

Normal blood pressure in a healthy adult should be around 120/80. People with blood pressure readings of 140/90 or higher, taken on at least 2 occasions, are said to have high blood pressure. If your pressure remains high your doctor will probably begin treatment. People with blood pressure readings of 200/120  or higher need treatment immediately.

Treatment for Hypertension  
Treatment for hypertension comes in many forms - from lifestyle changes to medication.

A critical step in preventing and treating high blood pressure is a healthy lifestyle. You can lower your blood pressure with the following lifestyle changes:
  • Losing weight if you are overweight or obese.
  • Quitting smoking.
  • Eating a healthy diet, including the DASH diet (eating more fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products, less saturated and total fat).
  • Reducing the amount of sodium (salt) in your diet to 2,300 milligrams (about 1 teaspoon of salt) a day or less.
  • Getting regular aerobic exercise (such as brisk walking at least 30 minutes a day, several days a week).
  • Limiting alcohol from two drinks a day for men, one drink a day for women.
In addition to lowering blood pressure, these measures enhance the effectiveness of high blood pressure drugs should your doctor decide to put you on medication.

Take it Seriously
You have a lot of living to do and a lot of people who want and need you around. Check your blood pressure often either at the doctor's office, the blood pressure machine at the store, or a home blood pressure cuff. If you have high blood pressure, learn more about it, take it seriously, and take your medication every day. Make those lifestyle changes that will help lower your blood pressure, and live a long, happy life!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

National Chocolate Chip Day~May 15

Today is National Chocolate Chip Day, which is a really good thing because I was making chocolate chip cookies for a party today anyway.

Here is my favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe from my good friend Wendy.

Wendy's Chocolate Chip Cookies

3/4 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup butter ( I personally use 3/4 cup butter and 1/4 cup shortening)
2 eggs
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. salt
3 cups flour
2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

Blend together sugar, brown sugar and butter. Add eggs, one at a time (blending well after each addition). Add and mix well the soda, vanilla, salt, flour and chocolate chips. Bake at 375 degrees for 9 minutes on ungreased cookie sheet. Makes 2 1/2 - 3 dozen cookies.

Assemble all ingredients .

I mix the flour, baking soda and salt in a bowl.

Cream together sugars and butter.
(I forgot that I loaned my mixer to my daughter-in-law so that's why I'm using a spoon).

I beat the eggs slightly with a fork and add vanilla to them, and then add them to the sugars and butter.

Mix in flour mixture.

Add chocolate chips.

Scoop onto cookie sheet with medium size ice cream scoop or teaspoons.

Bake at 375 for 9 minutes. Try not to over bake as this will make them hard.

Friday, May 14, 2010

last minute handmade headband...

The kids took pictures yesterday. A friend of ours up the street is a photographer and he said he'd take their pics in front of this amazing barn here just down from Main Street.

So I dressed the kiddos in their picture taking garb- NOT perfectly coordinated of course...because now I know that having your kids be matchy-matchy is soooo Passé .

Anyhow, Mimi didn't have anything to put in her hair. My friend down the street makes these darling headbands, but I only had 15 minutes and thought I'd try to make my own at the last minute.

I already had this headband from years ago. I made the yo-yo flowers and fabric covered buttons, sewed the button to the flower and hot glued it to the headband. As Max would say it was "easy-peasy lemon squeazy" (I think he learned that from Noah) ;)