Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chevron assessing damage of Washington Co. well leak

Chevron assessing damage of Washington Co. well leak
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A leaking 2-inch pipe carrying oily condensates from a fracking operation at a Chevron-Appalachia Marcellus Shale well in Robinson, Washington County, has become a much bigger problem than the company and state regulators thought when it was discovered 10 weeks ago.

The leak from a faulty pipe joint weld buried 4 feet under the well pad was discovered by the company and reported to the state Department of Environmental Protection on Dec. 20. At the time, Chevron thought it had spilled about two barrels, or about 100 gallons, and told the DEP it was a minor incident and under control.

But the DEP said Chevron now estimates that as much as 80 barrels, or 4,000 gallons, of condensate -- also known as "wet gas" -- leaked from the pipe between Nov. 8, when the well fracking began, and its discovery 42 days later.

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/12059/1213129-503.stm?cmpid=news.xml#ixzz1nhHSA2CR

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