Monday, February 27, 2012

Photography Workshop at Pitt-Bradford

This photograph, which was used in the book “Pennsylvania Crude: Boomtowns & Oil Barons,” showcases the talent of award-winning photographer Ed Bernik, who is teaming up with the Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau and the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, to host a three-day photography workshop. Bernik took this photograph in Foster Township.

Ready … Aim … Shoot! ANFVB, Pitt-Bradford to hold photography workshop

BRADFORD, Pa. – There’s a workshop in the Allegheny National Forest Region that will bring everything into focus – at least as far as taking a good photograph goes.

A three-day weekend photography workshop, sponsored by the Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau and the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, will be led by award-winning photographer Ed Bernik of North East.

Bernik, a photographer with Forest Press, a subsidiary of the ANFVB, will show workshop attendees the art of seeing, how to choose a lens and become more knowledge about exposure, composition and flash when shooting in color and black and white.

The workshop will start at 7:30 a.m. Friday, May 18, and will end at 5 p.m. Sunday, May 20. The group will meet in room 218 of the Frame-Westerberg Commons at Pitt-Bradford, and will explore the Allegheny National Forest Region throughout the weekend.

Attendees are asked to bring a digital DSLR camera and, if available, wide-angle, telephoto and prime lenses; a neutral-density or graduated neutral-density filter; flash and tripod and a laptop to download and review your photos.

The workshop is available for photographers of all levels. In return, these budding or expert photographers will return home with photographs of old-growth forest; pristine, native-brook trout streams; outrageous rock formations; historical architecture; and the unforgettable people who tell a unique story of travel in one of the last wild places in America.

A fee of $625 per person includes two overnights’ accommodation and most meals. The cost is $425 per person without accommodations.

All attendees will receive a free copy of the “Pennsylvania Wilds: Images from the Allegheny National Forest,” an award-winning coffee table-style book featuring Bernik’s photography.

To register, call 814-362-5078 or e-mail

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