Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Project Life Week 7

Week 7 for my Project Life was a birthday week for our youngest...
(Protector Designs E & F)
Here is a close-up of the left page...
I wanted to focus a whole week on just him.  I took a few pictures of him in his kindergarten classroom.  One with his favorite things--my iPhone, playing basketball, going to a Cavs Game, 100 days of school, his siblings, the dog--usual stuff.  I also took a few tags off his clothing and saved them as memorabilia (the Superman tag was one.)  I knew I'd score cool things during his birthday week...
I used a few printables, a few elements from the BH kit, October Afternoon alphas, and stamps this week.  And since it was also Valentine's week, and our daughter's yearly performance at a Cav's halftime show, I had to include that.  So...

I used a 6x12 page protector and added all those extra pics.  Valentine's Day, his birthday afternoon lunch with me at Chuck E. Cheese...
And on the flip side...my daughter's performance at halftime, along with a collage of pics from the Cavs game (we're big fans in our house--basketball rules my life.  Seriously.)
I'm finding that I like the challenge of the weekly theme.  It isn't getting old yet.  In fact, just the opposite!  I look forward to doing more, and have even added a few ideas to my original list.  How are you doing so far??

Enjoy your day!!

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