Thursday, March 1, 2012

Watershed Coalition Duo Tours Water Treatment Plant

Watershed Coalition Duo Tours Water Treatment Plant

mar3watertourQuay Schappell (left), chief operating officer for TerrAqua Resource Management, explains his company’s shale gas hydrofracturing wastewater treatment operation to public water supply managers.

Jonathan Huff (second from left) of Roulette Township and Jim Clark, Penn State Extension educator, represented Potter County’s Triple Divide Watershed Association at the tour in Williamsport. The facility processes 400,000 gallons daily. All of the water is sent back to the company for reuse.

Triple Divide Watershed Coalition was formed in 2011 and is made up of all the public water suppliers in Potter County and some in McKean. It has been recognized by state and federal agencies as the first of its kind in the nation. Similar source water protection coalitions are being formed in Lycoming and Tioga counties.

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