Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Scrapbooking the hard stuff...

Eleven years ago, I lost my closest friend to pancreatic cancer.  And I miss her every.  single.  day.
We didn't start out as friends.  We were co-workers that were assigned to work with a person with highly aggressive behaviors (I taught special education, and Barb was assigned to work one-on-one with this person in my classroom.)  We didn't like each other much at all at first.  Slowly, over time and with honesty, we became friends.  For 4 years, we worked in the same classroom, and grew to  be the best of friends.
When I finally got pregnant the first time (after trying a long while), she was the first person I told after my husband.  She was so sick at the time, I didn't want to wait to tell her the news.  She was happy for me, but got really sad because she said she'd never live to see me give birth or become a mama. So the above photo of her attending our daughter Jami's first birthday party was a BIG deal for both of us. Great day.
We loved going to concerts.  We rushed the stage when we saw WAR in a local theatre here in town, and danced until we couldn't any longer.  We got ourselves backstage to see Dave Koz (above photo).  So many good memories...

I want to stop avoiding hard stuff when I scrapbook.  I want to somehow attempt to encapsulate my feelings about Barb, what she taught me, and share my memories of her.  A layout isn't going to do it.  Maybe a book.  Maybe a mini book. 

In all my scrapbooking, I've never done a tribute album.  This is officially on my to-do list.  I want to be sure my children know about her and our friendship.  She was such an important part of my life.

Anyone care to share your thoughts on scrapbooking hard stuff?  I'd love to hear them!

Enjoy your day!

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