Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Friends Of Galeton Public Library Reorganizing

The Friends of the Galeton Public Library are having a re-organizational meeting on Tuesday, March 20th, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Library.

The Friends of the Galeton Public Library started 6 years ago in 2006. They have raised money for the Summer Reading Program, purchased new children’s books, blinds for the office window, helped with the landscaping around the Library and much more with their spring hanging basket sale, ham and turkey sandwich sale and by picture sales.

“Friends”are civic-minded patrons who recognize that a good library is central to a good community. Friends help raise library funds for special projects, help promote library awareness, and help expand and improve library service for the community.

If you can give a little time to volunteer at events or at the library, help with landscaping,give ideas and suggestions for programs and fundraisers please come and join this worthwhile group and help support a great community resource for all ages the Galeton Public Library.

The Friends of the Galeton Library is having a portrait fundraiser for all ages on the weekend of April 20 to the 23. For $10 you will get a 10x13, 2-8x10’s, 2-5x7 and 8 wallets of one pose, that’s a lot of pictures for your money. Please call the Library for more information at 435-2321.

The Galeton Public Library has a knitting group that meets every other Friday at 10:00 am.The next time would be March 23rd. Any one is welcome to come even if you don’t knit. Bring your other projects like quilting, crocheting, and needlework and join in the fun.

The Galeton Public Library has their new cookbook for sale at the Library and at different businesses in the area.

The Galeton Public Library is happy to announce that it has been awarded the Libri Foundation Grant with a sponsorship by Sophia Cizek. This wonderful grant gives the Library $1400.00 worth of children’s books. This year we are also getting books for the math and science section of the juvenile area. We should be receiving the books at the end of March or beginning of April.

Darlene Jackson
Galeton Public Library

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