Friday, September 10, 2010

d.i.y. baby burp cloths

If you can sew a relatively straight line, then you can make these!

Purchase a roll of ribbon from any craft store, there are lots and lots of cute patterned ribbon. At Hobby Lobby they have ribbon that coordinates with fabric if you wan to make a matching baby blanket and burp cloth.

Next, buy a package of cloth baby diapers found at Target, Wal-mart or any store that sells baby clothing.

pin the ribbon on top of the cloth diaper seams and sew. I use transparent thread so that the stitch doesn't compete with the pattern (and it's harder to see if your line isn't so straight, wink-wink).

et voila! You have a darling baby burp cloth that is incredibly durable and most importantly, cute.

I have used these with each of my three children and I love them!

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