Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Johnny Appleseed Day

Do you remember this Disney animated short produced in 1948 featuring the life of  Johnny Appleseed? I don't think I've seen it since I was a kid, but when I watched it again today I discovered I remember it almost word for word. (Did I watch it that many times?) I hope you have about 19 minutes to watch this fun video. Enjoy!


Hurry, go potty, and then run into the kitchen and grab yourself a yummy apple treat to eat during the second half of the show! (Hope you washed your hands!)

Doesn't this caramel sauce for dipping apples from Closet Cooking look delish?!

Now on with the show!

The story is told that one day Johnny heard that some cattle had broken down the fence at one of his nurseries in northern Indiana. He began the trek towards the nursery to repair the fence but the weather was bad, it was snowy and cold. Johnny knocked on the door of a Mr. Worth and asked for shelter. Mr. Worth readily granted the request. After declining the use of a bed, Johnny sat down to read the scriptures and pray. He read the Psalm beginning, "Blessed are the pure in heart," then he prayed for a blessing upon all men and nations, and for comfort for all those who were crippled and distressed. He prayed for universal happiness and peace, then lay down to sleep. The next morning, Johnny was very sick, pneumonia had developed and a few days later he died as he had lived, at peace with the world. He was 70 years old.

If you missed my post yesterday about Johnny Appleseed's life, check it out here.

Source: Virginia

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