Monday, September 13, 2010

sunflower wreath tutorial

Few, I finally made my sunflower wreath. It hangs on our side door and I love it!! I also love how the deep purple goes so well with these dried sunflowers. Here is how to make one for yourself...

First, cut the heads off of the stem leaving about an inch of the stem on.
remove the petals and leave in the sun to dry out. Takes a couple of days. You can also use them fresh, they are just a little more sticky where they were cut.

wrap wire (found at any craft store) around the stem of the flower and feed it through to the back of the wreath.

Pull tight and then wrap the wire around a secure piece.

Stratigically place the small, medium and large flower heads so that they cover the entire front of the wreath evenly.

Just keep doing this all the way around, add ribbon and voila! A sunflower wreath!

(ps You can also hot glue the stems after you've attached them with wire for extra security)

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