Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Love October

Ahhhctober - the most wonderful month of the year. Maybe I love October so much because my birthday and wedding anniversary both fall in October, but no, it's much more than that! October is the perfect month!

With the arrival of October, comes milder temperatures, lovely, just warm enough days and crisp, cool nights, with an occasional rain storm thrown in here and there to make the air smell even more fresh and clean. I love the fact that there is no need for either fan or furnace (leaving us with a little extra cha-ching in the old wallet).

The beauty of the month of October is unsurpassed as the world is blanketed in a quilt of yellows, oranges, and reds and perfumed with the musty, earthy smell of menopausal leaves that rustle and crunch underfoot.

Last October, my husband and I went for a drive in the mountains on a beautiful autumn day. As we came up over the crest of a hill we were met with every color of the rainbow. There were hundreds of small roundish trees with thousands of tufts of  leaves in yellows, oranges, pinks, reds, and greens. As we drove down the road, we were enveloped by color and it felt to me as if we were driving through the middle of a box of nerds candies. I don't throw the word 'breathtaking' around too often, but this was truly breathtaking!

Here's What We Have to Look Forward To:

The Month of October has more monthly observances than any other month with a total of 101 monthly holidays and observances including:
Caffiene Addiction Recovery Month  
Energy Awareness Month 
Halloween Safety Month 
and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, just to name a few.

Here are a few items that are offered on October's buffet table:
Apple Month
Caramel Month
Cookie Month
Dessert Month
Pasta Month
Pizza Month
Taco Day
Apple Betty Day
Fluffernutter Day
Gumbo Day
Angel Food Cake Day
& Chocolate Cupcake Day

And along with Halloween, be looking for:
Columbus Day
World Smile Day
National Kick Butt Day
Sweetest Day
Sourest Day
Monster Mash Day
&, among others,Frankenstein Friday

So pull out the jackets, the Halloween costumes, and your favorite harvest spice candle, and get ready for a month full of good food, memorable holidays, wacky observances, and lots of fun! Happy October!

Image by: Boyd Miller

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