Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Trip to the Art Gallery

I can't count how many times I go back to the WIP Gallery, but each time I look through the design team's creations, I see something new that I hadn't noticed before. On my first trip to the gallery, what I notice is the overall design of the pages. When I revisit, I start noticing--and marveling--at the details on the pages. And always, I think to myself... Why didn't I think of that?

I'd like to share my favorite September pages from each designer. It was so hard to pick a favorite, but here's what I came up with:

From Trish's Gallery:

Whoa! Dude. SUCH a cool page! Brilliant use of the Bo Bunny Block Party Sparkler paper. I stared and stared at that paper when I opened my box, bewildered at how I could possibly use it. Now why hadn't I thought of cutting it apart like that! Love the title over that blue diamond and the arrow pointing at the fierce little dude. And the little pops of yellow. Just adore the color scheme here! And the fantabulous design!
From Jing-Jing's Gallery:

Love the quadrant design and the unexpected mix of patterns Jing-Jing used! And I adore the balloons tucked into that blue frame! Love the buttons stitched onto that narrow strip of burlap. And how cool does the journaling look printed on that paper and raised up over top of the same print--GOTTA try that!

From Laina's Gallery:

Okay, First of all...I'm in love what that sweet little face! Love the fresh color palette that is just so perfect with the photo. How cool are all those elements layered over those doilies! Love the sweet cursive font Laina used for the journaling--and what sweet journaling she wrote! And of course, I'm a sucker for stitching--love how she stitched around the whole frame and then stitched those torn strips with a zig-zag.

From Nancy's Gallery:

Again with the Sparkler paper--genius design element and so perfect with the topic of the layout! Love the stitching Nancy added to the rays and how it echoes the stitching ont he chipboard frame. And what a cool idea to add that frame. The title work is just awesome, and I love how the journaling looks on that ledger paper. PERFECT use of those chipboard tickets. Fantastic series of photos that just scream FUN, and I adore how she laid them out!

From Tina's Gallery:

I love minis, and I don't know why I ever think to make them. This is such a perfect way to compile a series of photos and capture a moment in time, and I love the way Tina combined the various school pictures with captions that capture the essence of the photos. I love the shape of this mini, and how cute is the cover! I adore those sweet Cosmo birds, and I REALLY adore how Tina popped some of them up to add dimension and bring them to life!

I really loved all the projects! I love to see how each person interprets the elements of the kit and combines the same collection of materials in totally unique ways. And what I love most about the Gallery at WIP is the heart and soul each designer puts into each creation! I hope you enjoyed visiting the Art Gallery with me today!

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