Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Custom Flash Cards

My son is crazy about Peter Pan. Actually, I'm pretty sure he thinks he actually IS Peter Pan. Over the past couple of years, I have done countless Peter Pan pages and I've pretty much exhausted every single Jolees Boutique embellishment that I could find.

I was running out of ideas, when I remembered that I had recently printed out some coloring book pages of Peter. That got my wheels turning - what could I make with those .jpeg images? And here's what I came up with - a custom, old school Peter Pan flash card. It was the perfect touch for my layout and a unique embellishment. I'll show you just how I made it!

First, I Googled "Peter Pan coloring book pages" and this brought up a bunch of great images. I found one that was an exact match to my son's tattoo above. I opened the image, right-clicked my mouse and "Saved As" a .jpeg in my Pictures folder.

I then opened my Microsoft Word 2007 program and clicked on the Insert tab at the top. I chose the Picture icon, found my Peter pan image and clicked on it. I'm sure you can do this in Photoshop Elements, but I find Word easier to work with sometimes.

As you can see from the screenshot above, you can chose a border, border color and re-size the image. You can really customize your flashcard to fit your needs.

So the next time, you are looking for a retro or hard-to-find character, try Google and coloring book pages, you just might find what you're looking for!

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