Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Treat Bags

Oh, Cricut. How I love thee...
I like to create treat bags for my son's classrooms.  This year, I turned toward my tried and true Cricut.  I cut out these turkeys (about 4" tall) and assembled them, with the help of my older, crafty daughter.

Next, we applied red-line (strong adhesive) tape to one side of the mini clothes pins (purchased at Pat Catan's, a local craft store.)  We stuck one clothes pin onto the back of one turkey die cut, so the clothes pin would stick to the turkey well.

We filled up 4" treat bags with pretzel m&m's and candy corn, and taped them shut to secure the candy wouldn't spill out.
Then we used the pinching mechanism to "grab" the bag at the top.  So easy and FUN! 
Think of the possibilities here!  Pilgrim hats, cornstalks, cornucopia, you get the idea!

For more Thanksgiving ideas, including additional creative treat bags, check out my Pinterest board here.

Enjoy your day!

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