Friday, November 25, 2011

HUGE YA Giveaway!!!

Hello friends! First of all, Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday to my US readers! I hope you all are having a wonderful time celebrating and shopping for Christmas. The festive season has officially kicked off now and there is great news for my readers:
I am planning a lot of giveaways (which means lots of free books!) for my lovely followers for the whole month of December. Yay!!! J

I am so excited to start this “holiday season” with this HUGE giveaway! Check out the prize pack of these 4 (FOUR) tempting YA E-books:
Now, the best part comes: not one, not two, but 5 (FIVE) winners will be chosen, who will EACH receive this prize pack of 4 (FOUR) amazing books!
Ready to win these attractive books? Then, follow these really simple steps to enter this HUGE GIVEAWAY:

1- Follow me on GFC (Google Friend Connect) and write your GFC name. (If GFC follow button is not showing, you can follow me on NB = Networked Blogs. In that case, provide your NB name.) 

2- Your valid email address (so I can notify you if you win) 

3- Leave a genuine comment on these two posts: 

GFC Name: The Review Girl 
I have left comment on both these posts.

So hurry up and enter!!!
Have fun!!! J

NOTE: All these rules given above are REQUIRED to enter this giveaway, otherwise your entry will not be counted. Only genuine comments will be published and counted. Only ONE entry per person. 

Please note that this giveaway is international. The prize is of four e-books. The winners will be selected through They will be notified through email from “The Review Girl”. 

A BIG THANKS to the lovely author, Sarah Billington for generously offering so many copies of her books for this giveaway.

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