Tuesday, November 8, 2011

2011 Fall Retreat at the Bertram Inn

I wanted to share a few photos from this past weekend today. Our 4th Annual Fall Retreat at the Bertram Inn went really well.  So much to say. My heart is full.
In this season of gratitude, it is easy to find the blessings, large and small.  The 60 ladies who attended this year's Fall Retreat at the Bertram Inn are included in mine, for sure...
The Willow Trader Gals are just the BEST group of ladies.  Their friendships and support of me and this retreat have kept me going, wanting to out-do myself year after year.
This year, our 4th for the Retreat, was our largest yet.  We started on Friday at 2:00pm, and ended on Sunday at 4:00pm...
We wore pj's and were BUSY all weekend.  The doors never closed.  Someone was awake and in our cropping hall the full weekend, at all times.  Two pulled two all-nighters.  CRAZY!
As usual, the food was delish.  One of the main reasons we continue to return year after year...
A few of the treats that showed up this year.  Special thanks to Jennifer Bueck, Amy Cochran, Mary Ann Papp, Chrissy Mis, Tina Zarlenga and Debbie Cordes for out-doing themselves and helping me pull it off.  I don't do this thing on my own.  I have the best girlfriends a girl could ask for!!
We brought favorite projects and shared...
We found new things and shared and talked and shared some more.  These dies from My Favorite Things will be mine.  (Thank you, Laina Lamb for introducing me to them, and for producing such a wonderful product!)
So much laughter.  Girl time.  Gotta love that...

The photo below is very special to me.  That's me on the right, with my sister Chrissy.  Three years ago, she started helping me out with this event because it became much too large for me to pull off on my own.  She and her organizational skills never cease to amaze me.  Quite frankly, I couldn't do it without her.  And sharing this experience with her is something we look forward to every year. 

All this, despite the fact that I accidently threw her contacts down the drain.  Crazy stuff happens on 8 hours of sleep over 3 days, okay?   I totally owe her...
Lisa came from Florida, and Jamie Pate came all the way from Colorado this year.  SO glad we got to spend time together and shop before the event started.  They made this year extra special, and I'm still soaking it all in...

Extra special thanks to the other girls who traveled near and far to make the event.  Cammy from Pittsburgh, Debbie and Allison from WVA, Michele, Amanda from Michigan, Jessica, Emily and Gina from Cincy, Marge from IN, and April from Columbus.  You guys are the BEST!
She's going to kill me for posting this.  Isn't she cute?  I love that we share this hobby...
Speaking of sisters, these two are among my favorites.  Tina and Debbie keep me in stitches always, and this weekend was no exception.  THANK YOU for always being there, and for making all those yummy jars of trail mix.  You always go that extra mile...
So we now officially start the countdown until next year's retreat...
I will keep you posted here, but you can block off November 3-5, 2012!!  I look forward to doing this all over again, making more memories with women who share in this hobby.

To those who came out and joined us, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I hope you had as much fun as I did!  :)

Enjoy your day!

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