Monday, November 21, 2011

Around here...

I've been crafting...
I found this tree printable here.  I used 3 fall colored ink pads (one color representing one child--and we have 3 children), and asked them to add their fingerprints to the print.  I love how it turned out.  Plan to either scrap this or frame it.  :)  The original idea was used as a guest book for a wedding, with fingerprints as a "signature."  Fun!
This freebie from Rebecca Cooper just made me squeel!  LOVE the pennants and the possibilities with them.  Can't wait to use them up!  Thought of maybe using the fingerprint tree with these for the layout.  We shall see...
And I found this free printable over at Eighteen Twenty-Five.  I love that you can save them in various sizes and upload them/print so easily.  I'm framing this print (from Costco, and this one is an 8x10) as a hostess gift for my sister, who is hosting Thanksgiving this year.

Going to take a bit of a blogging break here to celebrate the holiday here.  Thank you for being here.  Thank you for your comments, your input, your inspiration.  YOU are among my blessings this year--and I hope you and your family have a blessed and safe holiday. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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