Tuesday, November 15, 2011

my pages with the kit!

Hallo ladies!

are you enjoying the first cold days? here it's sunny and warm actually so I think it's so fun to dream about snowy winter with my new kit WINTER FAIRIES

I remind you that on sunday morning I will pick 4 lucky winners among customers that bought during the iDSD sales and 2 among those that left a comment to the sneak peek post, so become a follower and leave a message in this post

so here you have my pages with WINTER FAIRIES you can find @ deviantscrap

as I told you it's quite difficult to imagine winter in Sicily, I had some snow photos I took on Mount Etna last year, but all the rest had to come from my imagination, so thinking of magical winter I remembered of the movie Dr. Zhivago and of it's ice palace, this image fascinated me so much as a young girl, so before I show you my pages I want to show you where my inspiration came from:

and now you have my pages

I hope you like them!

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