Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

One of my favorite days of the year came this last weekend. For four years now, my friends and I have been hosting a "Favorite Things" party.  It is something we all look forward to and plan for all year round.  The idea behind the party is to share a few of your favorite things with your best friends.  Each guest purchases multiples of their favorite things and gives them away at the party. There are no minimums or limits.  We just say do what you want and it has turned out well. Everyone gets one of everyone's favorite thing. This year was definitely the best year yet! We rented an amazing cabin and made it an overnight getaway for the ladies.  It was so much fun and each of us came away with some fabulous gifts. Here are the fun things I brought home from the party.  I am looking forward to using them all!
One of the best parts of the party is the wrapping.  Everyone goes over the top to present their gifts in a beautiful way. This year, I made handmade boxes using Graphic 45 paper. These boxes were made using the same techniques as I used for the 12 Days Advent tree.
You can't go wrong with good friends and everyone's favorite things!
I highly recommend starting a Favorite Things tradition with your friends.  It will shortly become one of your favorite days of the year too.

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