Sunday, April 10, 2011

Work in Progress.

Yep. That's me.

(I'll get to the picture in a minute.)

When I started this kit club 4+ years ago, I knew right away what I'd call it, simply because that is me. I am good at some things, fair at others, and a failure at a bunch, too. But I try. I put stuff out there. And I'm always evolving. I hope I'm not alone in this, right?

My family. My life. My work. My attitude. My home. I am. You are. We all in progress.

The other day, my dear friend Val phoned me up to just say the sweetest thing--to touch base with me--and to tell me that she admired me because I have it "together." She had seen something on the blog, and we had been talking about decorating our houses the week before, exchanging ideas and such--and she simply wanted to take the time out to just be a friend and say that to me. Then we had the best laugh. Because we both know I am NOT that person. Not in the LEAST. So I am here to come clean, in case you thought differently.

I am often asked how I find the time to do such creative things. I always have the same answer, and that is, "It's my JOB." If you had that kind of commitment, you would, too! I am blessed in that I do not require a lot of sleep. But--make no mistake--I have also paid the price for that as well. I forget words mid-sentence. Ask any one who spends time with me--they will tell you the truth. I am not a great cook--but I do enjoy baking. Hence my username on some message boards, "cookielover." (No, I had no idea that meant anything else when I selected that as a username. No, I'm not hip or cool enough to even understand that kinda urban dictionary stuff. Yes, I still think being that naive is funny, and it is who I am, so I've never changed it. And I love that it has been an inside joke with my girlfriends, too.)

I need a hair cut. Badly. Add to that at least a bottle of color and some highlights, please. I am chubby. I love manicures and pedicures, but would pass up a free massage in a heartbeat. I'm not trendy or hip or stylish with clothing, and it doesn't really bother me. I prefer to spend my $$ on my family, the house, or scrappy stuff--that makes me happy. My scrap room is a mess, and I am constantly struggling to keep up with emails and phone calls daily. Please do not for a moment think I have my act together...

You hopefully know where I'm coming from, right?

This weekend, I hosted a crop at our home. I made "White Trash" for a treat, and thought to use blue chocolate, since I had the pastel colored M&M's for Easter. As I'm stirring it, I start to realize how nasty it looks. My honest husband comes over and agrees, and we start to laugh. He thinks it looks like mold, and urges me not to use it. Well--wasting perfectly good snacks covered in chocolate was not an option in my head! I was certain my scrappy girlfriends would understand...

Not only did they understand, they ate it.

And they also pranked poor Stacey who arrived a bit late and missed the story, telling her she shouldn't eat it because it was covered in mold, as they laughed at her expense. Turns out, they're works in progress, too...goofballs...

I've often thought about this hobby and how it has brought so many wonderful relationships into my life. It has also made me reflect and appreciate who I am, and for whom I care. This bond and understanding is shared by others instantly, simply because of scrapbooking. For this, I am incredibly grateful...

Thank you for reading this blog. Whether it is your first time, or your 1,167th, thank you. Thank you for taking me for who I am--good and bad and simply, as-is. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, leaving comments, laughing with me. Thank you for being my girlfriend--whether it is online or in-person--you have meant the world to me. I don't tell you all that nearly enough, either.

Enjoy your Monday...

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