Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We Are Our Mother's Daughters

I've been eager to share this with you. So very excited about sharing it and hopefully--you will be inspired as well... You know I love a good mini book. And I also love celebrating Moms, Motherhood, and of course, my own mother (you can view my "She" album here.) This project was inspired when I was looking around and accidentally came across this book. The title resonated with me.
I went home without purchasing it, and even spoke with Tina about it. I ended up going back, buying them out, and turning one of them into this...
We are our mother's daughters, are we not? The concept of this book is just that. How are you like or unlike your mother? Do you catch yourself saying and doing things your mother used to say and do? What lessons did she teach you? Do you share personality traits? Bad habits? Physical similarities? What are your favorite memories as her daughter? You get the idea. Are your wheels turning?
So I made up a questionnaire. I emailed it to a few friends, and asked them to examine those things. I also asked that they return the email to me along with a photo of them with their mother. Now, the email I sent was simply a guideline--a spring board for inspiration. Many of them responded, and each and every one were different. I love that. What I really loved was the photos they selected. Some chose baby pictures. Others elected to use teenaged photos and wedding pics...
Each and every one of them was beautiful. I mean, truly--a work of the heart. And the fact that they not only shared their memories with me, but did so without hesitation, speaks volumes to me. They really honored their mothers...
Because of the sensitivity of this book, I elected to hide the journaling. Sometimes by making a book interactive, it adds to the personality of it. And given that these personal memories were just that--I wanted their privacy to be respected...

(BTW--that above photo is the one and only, Laina Lamb, with her amazing mother, Kathy. Love them. Isn't that the most adorable photo?)
Now, just because I elected to use this book in this manner--don't go thinking you have to enlist the help of others to complete yours. You could easily examine you and your own personal relationship with your mother--the good, the bad and the ugly--and include a lifetime of photographs of just you two. Don't limit your thinking...
And the best part? This is one of the May Project kits. Subscribers will receive their emails later on today. Yippee!!

I hope you have a wonderful day.

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