Friday, April 8, 2011

Details, Details--A Look at the Jenni Bowlin Flag Banner Stickers

If you were lucky enough to snag the April WIP kit, then you have this sheet of lovelies in your stash:

I love going through the WIP Gallery to see how the design team members used a particular product, and I'm always having that "why didn't I think of that?" reaction. So many clever ways to use these little banner flags, so I thought it would be fun to take a look at all the different ways we used these stickers this month.

I love how Cindy tucked the flags behind that pink paper, overlapping and staggering them. Such a cool little detail and a perfect way to incorporate the date and location into her design!

And how cute and clever is Cindy's idea to use the banner flags for part of her title, hanging those flags from the little tree! They are the perfect size for holding those Echo Park letter stickers that came in the kit.

Love how Jamie clustered the journaling card, sticker, and banner flag to tell her story (and how clever was she to use the notebook punch on that journaling card?). And that little flag in the bottom corner was just the perfect little detail to balance the blue paper, which without that sweet, perfect detail, the page might have felt heavy. Brilliant, Jamie!

I also used the flags to hold the date of my mom's birthday and added buttons tied on with baker's twine. The banner flags were perfect to add a festive birthday touch.

On this page, I used the flags to hold my title by turning them on their side and attaching them to stick pins. I added pop dots under them. 

Here's a close-up:

Just a couple of these little banner flags adds a lot of impact, and with 32 on a sheet, you can use them on many, many pages, so I love having lots of ideas for using them in different ways . Please share your ideas for how you've used these banner flags--and I'd love to see your projects if you've got them posted somewhere, so do share links!

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