Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Valentines Cards

Valentines Day is known in modern day as the exchange of affection, flowers and greetings between friends and lovers. Since the early 19th century, many of those greetings which were hand created, have now given way to massed-produced greeting cards. We, the lovers of all things paper, embellishments and ink have continued the tradition of sharing our love and friendship via the handmade card, tag, or mini album.

I just wanted to celebrate that a little today. While I am sure you are all receiving, if not already received, February’s WIP kit, my January kit is still sprawled about. I have been using up scraps and creating a stash of cards that will soon find their way to many friends across the country.

I invite you to do the same.

The first one here got her own envelope with a polka dot insert.

The one here received some buttons from my stash and  very tiny paper punches.

 The doily and stitching was lifted from one of my projects from the gallery. Makes it easy that way. I also dabbed the black and white polka-dot paper with the Malted Mild dabber as the dots were white. Added just enough cream to work. After the paint dried, I added a script stamp then stitched the doily to the card stock.

wip siggy

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