Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pom Pom Love...

Hard to believe that these little gems (purchased at JoAnn's for $6.99 for the pair) made all of these garlands...
You see, we're getting ready to celebrate a big birthday in this house in a couple of weeks. And we're pulling out all the stops...
This is such an easy and FUN craft, the whole family has been involved! Our 8 and 11 year olds have made their own garlands!
When it started to get a bit crazy, we decided to wrap the garlands around corrugated board, in an effort to keep it from tangling. Worked perfectly!

Remember the Valentine garlands on my mirror from last week? Yep--there is a red and pink one there. I made some for teachers and a neighbor...and three more for our house...

In anticipation of the upcoming festivities...I made three for Mardi Gras! We love an excuse to party around here! I have two in the works for St. Patrick's Day, and another for our niece's all PURPLE birthday party!! The possibilities...can you see them???

Before the Valentine garland, I had these up with snowflakes. Everyone loved our "snowballs"...
You can view this awesome tutorial here for more info. Be careful though...they're really addictive! (Just ask my gal pals who were over a couple weekends ago...hahaha!!)
Enjoy your weekend!

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