Monday, January 31, 2011

A Green Smoothie Girl

It's Monday morning. Have I mentioned my morning ritual...I am a green smoothie girl.  Whenever I tell people about my typical breakfast they want to know the recipe for getting 10 or more servings of good green veggies in one drink (and enjoying it). So, I thought I would post the recipe along with some pictures of the green concoction.  If you want more info or to learn some of the benefits of gulping a green smoothie every day, you can check out

My Recipe:
Put 1 1/2 cups of water in the bottom of a blender
Add in fresh spinach, kale or other dark leafy greens and blend until it reaches the 3 cup mark (yes, it is a lot of spinach....your body will love you!)
Add in about a cup of frozen fruit (I love strawberries, blueberries and bananas) and blend until smooth and creamy.

For an added treat I sometimes add in some organic yogurt or kefir.  This makes it light and creamy!

This recipe makes 1 quart of green smoothie for only around 150 calories! Love it!
After a few weeks of making my smoothie in a regular old blender, I upgraded to this baby.  I love my BlendTec!  You can generally pick them up at Costco for a pretty good deal.

It may look scary, but I promise, it tastes like a fruit smoothie.

I actually crave my green smoothies. They are so yummy!

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