Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Graphics Fairy

Have you met The Graphics Fairy? If not, let me introduce you to her. She is a generous soul who shares really awesome vintage images, a new on each day--for free! She has over 1,600 images on her blog!

The Graphics Fairy's blog has a fabulous search page, where you can browse images by subject, e.g., birds & eggs, architecture, ephemera, ads, botanical, patriotic, and so many more. In honor of the upcoming holiday, I've gathered together my favorite Valentine's Day images from The Graphics Fairy's site to share with you today. If you click on the images, you can save the full size image.

 How adorable is this little guy? Can you just picture this on a Valentine's Day card?

This one's going on a layout I'm making:

Another cutie:
 Cool vintage postcard:

Here's another one I'm using on the page I'm creating. I'm using it to hold my title, but it would be great as a journaling spot, too!

Love this one!
Another pretty. I'm thinking about using it and fussy cutting the doves and flowers to use as an embellishment.

I think these vintage images are a perfect complement to the WIP February Project Kit. (In fact, I'm using two on a layout I'm creating right this moment.) Lots of the other images would go great with the WIP February Add-on Kit. Come to think of it, the many nature images available from The Graphics Fairy would add great touches to the WIP February Main Kit, too!

There are tons more Valentine's Day images, not to mention the 1,600 images in all the other categories. Go take a peek. I'm sure you'll find something that's just perfect for your next project!

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