Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Menu Boards on Studio 5

We all know that planning what to make for dinner can be a daunting task.  The thinking is always worse than the actual making, right? A menu planner is a great way to alleviate the daily planning stress. Just simply sit down with your family once a week to plan your meals and you are set. Today on Studio 5, we showed two fun ways to display your weekly menu.
Basics for both Menu Planners-
Your family probably has a dozen or so Go-To-Meals that they like to eat.  Make tags for your favorites and then leave a few spares to fill in with new dishes. Here are a few other suggestions for tags you might want to make: Dine Out, Wild Card, Try Something New, Leftovers
Magnetic Menu Planner: (Kits Available August 20th- Call to order yours today)
Magnetic menu 
Kits for this planner will be $24 and will include everything you need to make this exact board (adhesive and ink not included).  The kits also come with detailed pictures and instructions so you will be able to easily assemble your planner.
If you would prefer to make the planner from scratch...Here are the instructions:
Ingredients you will need:
Magnet board (this size available at Heartland for $6.99)
Patterned Paper
Days of Week Template- Download Menu boardsRibbon
Bottle Caps
Bottle Cap Toppers
Post-It-Note Pad
Mod Podge
Other decorative elements as desired.
1. Cut patterned paper as desired and mod podge to magnet board.  To mod podge, paint a layer of glue onto magnet board then place paper down.  Allow to dry then add another layer of glue to top of paper.
2. Add envleope, post it pad, titles (from download sheet), and other decorative elements as desired.
3. Make bottle cap days by cutting printed days from download sheet (a 1" circle punch works perfectly).  Place the printed circle inside the bottle cap and glue down with strong adhesive. Place a bottle cap topper on top of printed piece to create a bubbled dimensional effect. Adhere magnet with epoxy to back of bottle cap.
4. Print menu items on coordinating paper and cut into strips.
5. Each week, magnet your menu items on to the coordinating days.  Store additional items in pocket.
 7 Gypsies Vintage Receipt Holder
We love these new Vintage Receipt Holders from 7 Gypsies.  They are so adorable and really easy to use. They retail for $24.99.  Here is what we did with ours.
Vintage receipt whole
The trick with tackling one of these trays is to take one square at a time.  Don't try to figure out the whole project at once.  Think of a general idea and then work one small space at a time.  This is also a great project for cleaning out your junk drawer. Use this opportunity to utilize the last letters in an alphabet or the remaining 3 jewels in a package.  The more varied elements you have the better.
Here are some detail shots of the project:
We made the first box a generic title box with the following boxes being days of the week.
The last box is a great place to keep a shopping list for the week.
We stored the extra, unused tags for the week in the top right box.

We used large manilla tags (available at the stores for $0.25 each) to make our menu cards. Make your tags simple or ornate, or make a variety.  Here are some tags we did.


Adding a picture of the food is a fun way to decorate the tags.


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