Sunday, October 31, 2010

November Guest Designer

Please join me in welcoming Julie Bonner as our November WIP Guest Designer!!

* My name is Julie Bonner. I live in Maryland with my husband Justin, 3 year old son Ryan, and 3 toy poodles. We are expecting little man #2 this January!!!

* I have been scrapping for several years but didn't really immerse myself in the hobby until my son was born.

* My scrappy style really varies - I LOVE to try new techniques & products but I think I really stay true to having a structured design to my pages. I like things to appear balanced & typically don't glue anything down until I have cut & pieced out the entire page.

* My favorite Halloween candy is Snickers - I never buy them but "sneaking" them from my son's Halloween bag is such a treat :)

* My top 3 tools are my ruler, paper piercer, and CutterBee scissors.

* Can I have a gift card to Etsy??? I suppose that is kind of cheating because their are multiple vendors, but I LOVE so many things on that site - I would have so much fun shopping!!!!

* I would love to visit Prince Edward Island - I grew up adoring the Anne of Green Gables series & would love to actually see the area in person.

* Choosing favorite manufacturers is a tough one - there are so many I LOVE!!!! Currently I am enjoying playing with October Afternoon, Jillibean Soup, My Minds Eye, Bella Blvd., and SEI - but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy them all :)

* I am currently obsessed with alphas - love 'em, love 'em, love 'em. I also adore journaling tags/tickets & am so excited to see so many companies carrying these within their paper lines.

You can check out more of Julie's work on her blog, or at her awesome 2 Peas Gallery! Thanks so much for playing with us this month, Julie!!
And the rest of the Design Team's amazing creations can be found at the Gallery. Grab a cuppa coffee and check them out!
Happy Monday!

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