Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gratitude Journal

Wanted to give an overview of my Gratitude journal. As you can see, it is a work in progress. I have most of my photos in place, but I'm still working on the journaling...
My version is somewhat similar to the one provided in the Project kit. But I used almost all the paper--I wanted my book to be more involved.
I enjoy creating albums with different sized pages. I tied it all together with using mostly black and white photos mostly...

If you purchased a Project Kit, I will send you an email with better close-ups. If you would like to purchase a Project kit, I did do a reorder and I have a couple left! If you would like one, please email me at

The cost of the kit is $25 plus shipping.
Looking forward to a jam-packed day with a bunch of photo sessions! Hope you're enjoying your weekend, too...

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