Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Banner Project

Indeed there was a little DT challenge this month to do with banners.  Jaime had done a lovely post on the various banner projects ->here. So where was my banner project? sigh... finished but unphotographed... but it is here now :)  It's a bit sad and lonely without everyone else's beautiful banner projects, but hopefully it's like a tiny after party :)

I love this yellow shirt of Second Child, too bad it's too small now, lol.

I used the tags that were included in the March kit and trimmed them to get the rectangle shape.  Then I used a square corner punch one one end of the rectangle to create this banner shape.  I traced the pieces with a black pen to give them more definition. I could have inked the edges for that matter, but I chose to outline this time. I first adhered the ribbon onto the layer and used Helmar zapdots to layer the banner pieces slightly covering the ribbon piece to hopefully create the banner look.  That's my banner and thank you for checking it out!  Have a great day!

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