Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Scrap of This and Scraps of That

I wanted to share a layout I made for Color Combos Galore using lots and lots of scraps. We always wind up with scraps of paper leftover from kits and other items in our stash, so I thought I'd share some ideas for using up these bits and pieces.

Use Punches - Punches are perfect for using up leftover bits of paper. I always have lots of strips of cardstock since I scrap 8 x 8, so I save those for punching borders, like the zig-zag border you can see in my layout above. I also took a circle punch to some scraps, as you can see in the closeup below.

Use Tear Strips - Check out those tear strips--especially Cosmo Cricket--they are helpful for when you want to include hidden journaling. My journaling on the back reads: Christian, you tell the silliest knock-kock jokes, ones that make absolutely no sense and usually include absurd bathroom humor, and then you crack yourself up. The jokes aren't really all that funny, but the fact that you think they're hilarious makes me laugh and laugh!

Use Cardstock bits for Stamping - If you're chicken to stamp directly on your layout, scraps are handy for stamping images, you can also lift up your stamp image with pop dots for added interest and dimension.

Stitch over a scrap - Just adds a little interest to a small piece of paper.

Add bits of patterned paper to open spaces of chipboard pieces - Like I did in the window of the chipboard house.

Use colorful staples on a bit cut out of paper - Adds a bit of unexpected texture.

Fill the centers of letters with bits of patterned paper - To add interest to your title.

Use the leftover piece from the center of the letters as embellishments - Like the centers of the o's and a's and p's. Sprinkle them on your page with brads or eyelets or other circular elements.

Layer and stagger your bits and pieces - Different patterns, with the edges inked, look fun when they're layered.

Tie some baker's twine around a scrap - I tied some onto a frame I trimmed out of a scrap, but it would also be fun to just tie some around a strip or a punched shape.

I hope I've given you some fun ideas for using up those bits and pieces you have leftover from your kits!

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