Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Delightful Bunch of Carrots

A few weeks ago I was searching for a fun Spring decor project.  I came across these adorable stuffed carrots at http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/?p=2336 (I should mention the idea is originally from http://www.twistedyarn.typepad.com/). Needless to say, I had a free weekend and so, with the help of my trusted girlfriends, I decided to try my hand at them. We ended up making bunches and bunches!  I am very happy with the way they turned out.  So fun and happy for Easter and Spring!
I placed a bunch in a rusty basket (from the dollar store) and put them on my entry shelf.
I also hung a trio of different sized carrots on a wreath hanger near the basket.  I think these would be adorable hanging from a mantle or doorknob as well.
These carrots were so simple and fun to make.  I want preface these instructions with the fact that I am by no means a perfect seamstress....I am a quick and sloppy crafter. So, those of you with degrees in quilting or sewing...don't judge too harshly!
I began by cutting triangles of two different orangish cotton prints.  I made carrots in three different sizes for my bunches.  Try different shapes and dimensions of triangles to give yourself a different look.
Sew your triangles right sides together leaving the top open.
Turn fabric right side out and stuff with stuffing until full. Be sure to push out the tip of your carrot with a pin so that you get a nice crisp point.
Cut leaves from various green fabrics.  For cotton, cut two so that you can sew them together.  The center leaf is a delightful wool fabric!
I wanted to keep my edges raw, so for the cotton prints, I just placed wrong sides together and stitched around the edge.  I also stitched up the center to create a vein.  For the felt leaf, I zig-zag stitched up the center and then snipped the edges.
Now it is time to tighten up the top. I found the easiest way to do this was to slip stitch around the top of the carrot. Again...don't judge the sloppy stitching.
Now stuff the leaves in the center of the carrot and pull the stitches closed.  Tie a knot to secure the stitches.
Tuck the raw edges under and sew through the leaves to secure.  There isn't really any rhyme or reason to this stitching. You just want to make sure everything is secure.

To create the creases in your carrot, use several strands of thread in one needle. For the medium size of carrot, I used 4 thicknesses of brown and 2 of orange.

Take needle through top of carrot and come out on seam to begin your first crease.  Wrap thread around carrot and stitch in again at seam.  Make your needle come out on the seam where you would like your next crease to begin.

Continue down carrot in the same manner.  If you would like to add a row of stitches, do so by just running your needle in and out of the fabric along a row.  You will want to pull your thread tight enough so that it makes a crease in the carrot.
When you get to the bottom of your carrot, run your thread out the base like roots.  I also added a string or tow of crochet thread to the base of each carrot. I rubbed the thread together and cut it off jaggedly to create an uneven look.
For the hanging carrots, I just stitched a loop of coordinating ribbon to the top of each carrot.
And there you have it!  An adorable spring decoration that is simple to create.  I hope you enjoy crafting a bunch for your own home.

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