Tuesday, March 29, 2011

An Evening with Jasmine Star

I got an email from my all-time favorite blogger, Karen Russell, about a month ago. It was a blast email with a link to Jasmine Star's blog, and specifically her new "commercial." Now, Karen doesn't do this kind of thing--in fact--I've never received an email from her directing me anywhere else--so of course I clicked...

I was sucked into the vortex that is Jasmine Star. Now, I love photography and all, but I have no plans to do any weddings or anything. Not my thing. But...when I heard she was going to be doing a presentation on social media and business in Akron, I signed up on the spot.

I will be posting a few pics and links, along with a few highlights from stuff I took in tonight. Right now, I'll leave you with the link that sucked me in, and a promise that I'll be back with more later on today...

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