Monday, March 28, 2011

a blue & white Easter

I have had blue and white on the brain lately. I still love it. And it took about the 10th time looking at this months issue of Martha Stewart to realize she has dedicated April 2011 to blue and white.

(ps My friend has decided to take this color scheme to her bedroom. I may copy that know what they say, "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery")

It makes me chuckle a little when someone 'owns' a style or decorating idea because how can you own style and why would you want to?

If you are innovative enough to change the way people design their lives then take it as a compliment.

Martha Stewart is a great example of this. We all "copy" Martha in way or another. Right? Seriously, what would we do without Martha? Below are just a few of her wonderful Easter ideas.

Below is this months issue of Martha, definitely worth buying.

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