Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wall Art

I was really inspired by this. Enough to make one of my own...
The wood veneer she used in the above project reminded me of Formica samples(free from Home Depot) I had laying around in my stash. So I got to work...
I printed out 30 of my recent favorite photographs in sepia. (Note: the above photograph is a collage of the pictures I used, but I ended up not using that one in the finished project.) Using a simple adhesive runner, I placed my photographs right on top of the Formica samples, and sanded the edges off for a perfect fit.

While I worked, I placed them on a table and started to arrange them. I opted to not include the holes (although I love how it looked in the original picture.) I then mounted them on my wall without measuring (shocking!) and used Command Adhesive on the backs. Worked like a charm!
And my finished work:
I love how it turned out!

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