Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Graphics Fairy in Action

Last month, I blogged about my new best friend, The Graphics Fairy. In case you missed that post, you must go meet her!

I used two of her graphics on my layout "Our Song," which was created with the beautiful WIP February Project Kit. I added a few stickers, brads, pearls, and flowers from my stash, along with some images from the Graphics Fairy, and here's what I made. I journaled on the back of my page about how "Just the Two of Us" was our song back when we were dating and included the lyrics. This is a picture of my husband (then boyfriend) and me at my junior prom, way back in 1981. The picture was yellowed and faded. I scanned it and played around with a diffuse glow filter in Digital Image Pro to give the photo a dreamy quality.

Here are the two Graphics Fairy images I used (click them for full-sized images if you want to save them to your computer for later use):

What I most love about using these digital images for my scrapbook pages is that I can customize their size which is very important for me since I scrap 8 x 8, and I don't have a lot of space on my pages.

Here are some close-ups of my layout to see how I used these two fun images and the beautiful WIP kit products. I was originally planning to use this graphic to hold journaling but changed my mind and used it to house my title. By the way, this frame comes in three colors.

I loved those little red pebbles Trish included in the kit and sprinkled a couple over this "Bank of True Love" note. That bank note comes in three different colors, too.

How beautiful is that rose trim from the kit! Love how you can tuck little things behind it:

I just adore these darling little heart stick pins Trish packed in the kit!  So easy to add a sweet, special touch by just sticking them somewhere on your page. By the way, the leaves on my layout are just leaves I cut off of a silk plant I had.

And how about that lovely lace in the kit! So pretty. I used Terrifically Tacky Tape (by Provo Craft) to adhere it--it comes in a variety of widths (I used 1/8"), and it really sticks well! I used my favorite Martha Stewart punch (iron gate) to add interest to the top of my page:

Thank you for reading about my layout! I always enjoy seeing the details on others' pages because when I look at the "whole," I always miss some of the interesting little bits, so I hope I gave some insight into how I made my layout.

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