Saturday, August 8, 2009

why Henry?

KMcElman_090516_H2 KMcElman_090516_K3 B
Why did we name Henry Kent Bartholomew (H.K.B), henry? Well, Kent is Steve's dad's name and we initially liked the name Henry because it is an old family name. But before he was born I was leaning towards the name Samuel (Sam) and Steve liked the name Oliver (Oli). I figured when we saw him, we'd know.  

When he came out, I looked at him and thought...Henry. Steve came into the room and saw him for the first time and said, he's Henry. Then today we got a letter in the mail from Steve's 85 year old Great Aunt Bernie. Here is what she wrote to us, it gave me chills and made both Steve and I tear up:  

"Hi parents of Henry,

Vern would be so proud to have you remember his family name.

He was Vern Henry, his father was Glen henry, his grandfather was Samuel Henry, his nephew was James Henry and his forefathers carried the name 'Henry' in their names too.  

You have made me 'proud'.  

Congratulations on your new son. I hope he is a chip-off-the- old-block.  

Love, Aunt Bernie"

When it is meant to be, it happens.

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