Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pocket Full of CANDY Instructions

As promised, here is a full tutorial on making the Pocket Full of Candy Countdown from yesterday's segment.  Have fun crafting up this festive countdown that also makes a great October centerpiece.

What you will need:
4 Sheets of double sided pattern paper cut to 9X12
4 Sheets of double sided pattern paper cut to 6x12
4 2X6 Strips of patterned paper
Strong Adhesive
Embellishments, treats and signs as desired

The How To:

1. Fold (use your scoring tool if available) 9X12 papers in half at 6", then fold bottom up at 6" to create pocket. Once your piece is all folded, you will have a 6x6 folded pocket. Adhere the edges of the pocket shut, then reinforce the edge with a few staples.
2. Fold (use your scoring tool if available) 6X12 papers in half at 6", then fold each side towards center at 2". Once your piece is all folded, you will have a 4x6 folded piece. 
3. Fold 2X6 Strips in half and adhere them to the inside of the center flaps of the 4X6 folded piece. This will connect the two folds together in a "V" pattern. The black and white star piece in the picture below shows how that piece should look. The 2X6 strip goes on the inside of the "V" to hold it together.
4. Fold each of the pieces and then you are ready to connect your book together.  Alternate folded pieces so that the large 6X6 folds are sandwiched between the smaller "V" shaped piece.  Adhere "V" pieces to outside surface of 6X6 pieces with adhesive on the top and bottom sides ( you should have pocket in the front that you can slip treats in to.  Reinforce the adhesive with a few more staples along the edge.  If you would like to be able to open and close your countdown, don't adhere the last two pieces together.
5. Once you connect all the pieces, you will see that you have a star formed.  Add numbers and embellishments as desired. Then stuff your pockets with goodies and trinkets.
6. I added a little sign on a skewer with some ribbon to the center of the star to top things off.
*Note, you will have 14 pockets, so you can give some days 2 pockets if you would like.

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