Thursday, November 18, 2010

flag banner

Ok, enough TMI, gotta do it every 6 months or so. ;) Back to more important things like crafting.. ;)
I made this banner for my sis and old friend, Wendy from DC about a month ago. Wendy's shower was held in DC, my sis flew out to attend and brought this flag banner with her. Rozzie (as I call her) ;) took pictures of the shin-dig below.

This party looked so fun, great job Liz and Roz!!
I posted the picture of the party favors above because I think they are adorable, I am going to have to ask Liz where she got them.

Wish I could have been there too. I love DC and loved my time there as an intern in 2000 (wow, 11 years ago!) Below are some pics I found of my time in DC with my wonderful roommate Emily and all the wonderful girlfriends I made (who sadly, I've lost contact with).
above: Emily and I at the Pentagon City Costco. I am holding bag from Sephora my favorite make-up store and the store I bought my first make-up from in my make-up intervention with my mom and sis while we lived in Paris when I was 19.
Some of the interns and I at a hotel we stayed in in Wilmington, NC. We all rented a big van and drove from DC to Wilmington (about 6 hours). It was a blast! I tried to get rid of our red eyes, but it just made us look weird. I am in the front on the far right with the white v-neck and weird black eyes. ;)

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