Thursday, June 24, 2010

cute kid rooms

I looked at real estate here in Utah daily ever since Steve and I got married, I still find myself looking at it from time to time even though we own a house, just for fun...???? A little strange I know. But I bet I could tell you Utah's real estate market trends for the last 7 years, that's how often I looked at it.

Anyhow, I always look at houses for sale in our area and found this darling house West of us. I don't know who this girl is but I am tempted to knock on her door and introduce myself. Her house is darling! Here are 2 of the rooms in her house. I just love them. And the pink/red combination above is darling.

So I guess I am a real estate market stalker??? That sounds a lot creepier than it is, I hope. ;)

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