Thursday, June 3, 2010

Drawing Day

Drawing Day is held the first Monday of June. Drawing Day is a day to remember the first time we picked up a pencil and created our first piece of art (which in some cases was actually a pen, when we were two years old, and we drew all over our bodies).

One day a year, the first Saturday in June, is a day for each of us to pick up a pencil and draw until the cows come home, like there was no tomorrow, until our fingers fall off! Wait a minute! This is supposed to be fun! And drawing is fun. So if you haven't done it for a while, break out that pencil, dust off that pad of paper, and draw! But remember, the most important part of drawing day is to put your one and only piece of art on the World Wide Web.

The goal of the creators of Drawing Day is for the world to produce 1 million drawings on this one single day and post them for all the world to see. Go to to find out exactly how to do this. And if you go to you can see drawings from years past (but beware, some pictures are not suitable for children).

So on Saturday morning, after you've drawn a warm bath, and after you've drawn your eyebrows on, get out pencil and paper and draw a masterpiece, the world will be glad you did. :0)

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