Monday, September 19, 2011

Cool Stuff for Free

There's so much cool stuff you can find for free on the internet that you can use for scrapbooking. One of the things I love most about digital images is the ability to resize, which is particularly important for me because I scrap 8 x 8.

Do a search using such words as "printable" and "labels" and you'll find a gazillion nifty things that can find a perfect home on a scrapbook page. Here are a few of my recent finds as I was surfing through cyberspace.

From Poppytalk came these cool number tags:

And how about these circle number tags from Creativity Prompt? Just size them to match the size of a circle punch you have, and voilĂ , you have a cool, ready-to-use accent.

How fun are these little speech clouds that I found on All Crafts Blog:

I'm loving vintage goodies, and how fun are these luggage tags I found at Graphic Definer. How perfect would these be for a travel page?

and some more...

Oh, and these are so fun and adorable, I just had to share, found on Little Lovely:

I hope I've shared a couple of bits and pieces you might be able to add to your scrapbook pages. I'd love to hear your favorite sources for finding printable stuff.

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