Thursday, December 2, 2010

Woe Is Me Explained

I'm an 8 x 8 scrapper. And I like to tell stories on my pages. And I like to add lots of pretty stuff on my pages. And Work in Progress gives me LOTS of pretty stuff to put on my pages. So that often presents me with a dilemma--how to fit it all on that small canvas.

Enter Cosmo Cricket tear-off strips. I try to include my stories on the front of my page, but when I just can't cram it on, I resort to hidden journaling. I'm sure you've noticed those nifty little sayings that Cosmo Cricket prints on their bar-code strips that tell you there's another pattern on the reverse side. I often use those on my pages to indicate there's more to read on the back.

I did this on my Woe is Me page, with the little strip that says "for the rest of the story...." I added some other clues that hint at the hidden journaling: I added the word "over" using the cool Jenni Bowlin letters on the Elle's Studio journaling spot, both of which are in the kit this month. I also cut out one of the designs from the patterned paper leaving one of the curvy elements on it, that to me looked sort of like an arrow. And I added the "Laugh Out Loud" (you'll understand why in a moment) cut out from the Circa 1934 Borders along with a chipboard pen nib, which also served as a sort of arrow.

In case you're wondering, here's my journaling: A sprained ankle with purple toes. Seriously bad hair day. Mammoth zit on my face the day before parent-teacher conferences (great timing--I never get zits anymore!).  I was in no mood for theater going, but Farzad had bought tickets for us to see Hair, so off we went. I couldn't walk because I had just taken a fall  two days before, and the thought of hobbling around on crutches was the last thing I wanted to do. All I wanted to do was sit on the sofa with ice on my foot, but I couldn't disappoint Farzad. He was such a good sport and wheeled me around the Kennedy Center. He's gifted at reading my mind and knew just the thing to bring me out of my foul mood by racing me up and down the halls of the Kennedy Center in that wheelchair, pretending he was going to run over people.  I'm giggling right now as I write this! {photo taken on October 31, 2010; journaling written on November 27, 2010}

Thanks, Cosmo Cricket, for putting those clever little sayings on your tear-strips!

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