Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Scrapbook Those Events

Only 18 more days til Christmas, YAY! Are you getting excited? I know I am & I will be even more excited when all the shopping is done, gifts are wrapped, family is in town to visit & enjoy the holiday season watching my little ones open their gifts with surprising eyes.

This month, I am honored to be a guest designer/teacher for Masterful Scrapbook Design (a production of Get It Scrapped) & each month focuses on a specific topic & this month, the topic is Scrapbooking Events. You can view multi-photo layouts & multi-page albums & learn a variety of ways creating such these projects. So, I thought this months Work In Progress kit would be PERFECT to use for event layouts. Who says you need to have theme papers or embellishments to document your holiday memories.

My first layout is of my daughter opening up Christmas gifts last year & using Cosmo Crickets Circa 1934 collection was just up my alley. Great colors, design patterns, perfect for spotlighting your holiday pictures!

I also created a two page birthday layout with the kit. Again, there weren't any birthday embellishments or even phrases/words on the patterns, but the chipboard banner flags sure does make for a great excuse to create a birthday page, right? ;)

If you haven't already pulled out your December kit, do so & start documenting those holiday memories. The kit is filled with lots of products to get your creativity going!

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