Tuesday, December 14, 2010

sugar cookie star tree

My mom came over yesterday to hang out with the kids while I ran some errands (which was such a life saver for me). When she walked in the door she came in with sugar cookie dough and various sizes of star cookie cutters.

Madeline squealed with delight when my mom said they were going to make a star Christmas Tree. Below is a picture of the tree my mom and Mimi made together while I was running errands.

Best Christmas tree I ever ate! The cookies in the middle were covered with frosting on both sides and after sitting over night were soft and delicious (and completely irresistible).

Above are some ideas for a more star trees. I especially would like to try the gingerbread one above.

For our family's favorite sugar cookie recipe go here. I am still on the search for a great gingerbread recipe. Anyone have a good recipe or know of one?

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