Sunday, December 5, 2010

PINK, in memory of Julie Neff

As long as I have known my husband Steve, I have heard many stories about a mission companion he had while serving in Brazil. He credits this companion for the success and joy he found on his mission.

I know this companion as Elder Neff and frequently heard stories of their many adventures together. Well this evening my husband came home more somber than I have seen him in a very long time, he had just attended the viewing of Elder Neff's wife, Julie who passed away this last week due to a very aggressive form of Breast Cancer called IBC that targets younger women. She left behind her husband Brandon, a 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter. Our heart breaks for them and I hope that Elder Neff understands the influence he had on my husband and the person he has become today. So thank you Elder Neff, our love and prays are with you and your family during this difficult time.

Below are some wonderful handmade items that I found on etsy that show support for breast cancer awareness, and many of the shops listed below donate a portion of their proceeds to breast cancer research.

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