Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Fun Layout

While looking through photo galleries for inspiration on Pinterest, I came across the coolest photo. It inspired me to recreate the shot, using my own children and their cars...
I used the June kit (yes, I'm still playing with bits from that one!) and it came together quickly. I love that it documents our son's love of cars, a true passion of his.

So here's what you do. Grab your child, as-is. Take whatever they're into--dolls, Legos, pirates, butterflies--and find a spot with good natural light. Tell the child to lay down on the ground, on their backs, like my son in the above photo. Then tell them what you're going to do. Next, fill a good area with their favorite things. Stand on a chair or a stool, and snap away! You won't be sorry you did!
Enjoy your Monday!

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