Wednesday, July 20, 2011

be happy

Hello, ladies...
Jamie here with a closer look at the 'be happy' mini album I did with the July kit. I love me some mini albums these days...and this one was no exception.

The canvas cover of the Pink Paislee album is so gorgeous, it need not be covered up too much. So I took to using the colored hemp and wrapped the book a couple of times, then tied it in a couple of bows. A mini shipping tag, a flower punch of the patterned paper, and the card stock letters added to the tag made for a simple cover embellishment.

A closer look.

If you follow my mini's at all, you know I always have some sort of pattern that the book follows. In the case of the 'happiness' mini, it was the use of borders on each of the chipboard pages that complimented that pages pattern. I used card stock from my stash. I also punched tabs highlighting the theme of each page.

Each page houses a quote on the subject of happiness. Over the years these quotes have daily meaning for me, and I wanted to give them a home.

Each page inspiration came by way of lifting myself. Debbi mentioned that inspirational element a few posts back, and it works like a charm for me. I flip through past layouts, pick up on an idea, and go with it.

Each page is gradually indented from the next. So each index, border, and other elements peeks out from behind the page in front of it, and urges the reader to move to the next. This is another technique I have used a couple of times now.

A few of my favorite things: punches, unique shaped buttons, die cuts, colored hemp, textured card stock, small pattern paper. It all found a home in the happiness mini.

Hoping this little tour of my book gave you some inspiration. I know that the August kit is finding it's way into your hot little enjoy!

wip siggy

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