Thursday, April 22, 2010

National Jelly Bean Day

National Jelly Bean Day is held every April 22nd. Not only is the origin of National Jelly Bean Day unknown, but the origin of the jelly bean itself is unclear. It is believed that the jelly bean is a descendant of a candy dating back to biblical times, called Turkish Delight. Turkish Delight is a sweet gummy confection much like the interior of a jelly bean.

Jelly beans are thought to have come into existence in France during the 1800's. The first known appearance of jelly beans in the U.S. was during the 1860's at the time of the Civil War. William Schrafft of Boston encouraged people to send candy, including jelly beans, to soldiers in the Union Army.

Today Jelly Beans have become especially popular at Easter time since they are the shape of an easter egg. Each year 16 billion Jelly Beans are made for Easter. That's enough Jelly Beans to fill a nine-story office building or circle the globe 3 times. At the height of the Beatles popularity, fans showered them, on and off stage, with jelly beans. Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States, was known to keep a jar of Jelly Belly jelly beans on his desk at all times.

My favorite Jelly Beans are undeniably Jelly Belly brand jelly beans. You can find a recipe page here at showing you which combinations make yummy creations. My second favorite jelly beans are Starburst jelly beans. Starburst jelly beans are fruity and tangy, but not too tangy, I think you'd like them.

So whether you want to have a "How many jelly beans are in the jar contest?" or string them together to make a necklace or just gobble them down until you're sick, run, don't walk to your nearest candy store and buy a bag of your favorite kind! Happy National Jelly Bean Day folks!


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